Package: abd 0.2-10
abd: The Analysis of Biological Data
The abd package contains data sets and sample code for The Analysis of Biological Data by Michael Whitlock and Dolph Schluter (2009; Roberts & Company Publishers).
abd.pdf |abd.html✨
abd/json (API)
# Install 'abd' in R: |
install.packages('abd', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
Pkgdown site:
- AlgaeCO2 - Carbon Dioxide and Growth Rate in Algae
- Antilles - Antilles Bird Immigration Dates
- Aspirin - Effects of Aspirin on Cancer Rates
- BeeGenes - Foraging Gene Expression
- BeeLifespans - Bee Lifespans
- Beetles - Beetle Wings and Horns
- BirdSexRatio - Sex Ratios in Birds
- Blackbirds - Testosterone Levels in Blackbirds
- BodyFatHeatLoss - Heat Loss and Body Fat
- BrainExpression - Proteolipid Protein 1 Gene Expression
- BrookTrout - Salmon Survival in the Presence of Brook Trout
- BrookTrout2 - Salmon Survival in the Presence of Brook Trout
- Cavalry - Deaths from Horse Kicks
- Chickadees - Alarm Calls in Chickadees
- ChimpBrains - Brodmann's Area 44 in Chimps
- Cichlids - Cichlid Mating Preference
- CichlidsGnRH - GnRH Levels in Cichlids
- Clearcuts - Biomass Change in Rainforests near Clearcuts
- CocaineDopamine - Effects of Cocaine on Dopamine Receptors
- Convictions - Frequency of Convictions for a Cohort of English Boys
- ConvictionsAndIncome - Convictions and Income Level in a Cohort of English Boys
- Crickets - Immunity and Sperm Viability in Crickets
- DEET - DEET and Mosquito Bites
- DaphniaLongevity - Daphnia Longevity
- DaphniaResistance - Daphnia Resistance to Cyanobacteria
- DayOfBirth - Day of Birth
- DesertBirds - Desert Bird Census Data
- Dioecy - Dioecy vs. Monomorphism in Plants
- Dolphins - Dolphin Swimming Behavior
- DungBeetles - Heritability of Body Condition in Dung Beetles
- Earthworms - Earthworm Diversity and Soil Nitrogen Levels
- Earwigs - Earwig Density and Forceps
- Eelgrass - Eelgrass Genotypes
- ElVerde - Diet Breadth in a Rainforest Community
- ElectricFish - Electric Fish
- EndangeredSpecies - Endangered and Threatened Species
- FingerRatio - 2D:4D Finger Ratio
- Fireflies - Spermatophore Mass in Fireflies
- FireflyFlash - Firefly Flash Duration
- FlyTestes - Testes Size in Flies
- FlycatcherPatch - Forehead Patch Size in Collared Flycatachers
- GeneRegulation - Gene Regulation in Saccharomyces
- GlidingSnakes - GlidingSnakes
- GodwitArrival - Godwit Arrival Dates
- Grassland - Grassland Diversity
- GreatTitMalaria - Malaria in Populations of Great Tit
- Greenspace - Diversity in Urban Green Space
- Guppies - Ornamentation and Attractiveness in Guppies
- Hemoglobin - Hemoglobin Levels in High Altitude Populations
- HippocampusLesions - Memory and the Hippocampus
- HornedLizards - Horn Length and Predation Status of Horned Lizards
- HumanBodyTemp - Human Body Temperature
- HumanGeneLengths - Human Gene Lengths
- Hurricanes - Intense Hurricanes
- Iguanas - Iguana Body Length Changes
- IntertidalAlgae - Intertidal Algae
- JetLagKnees - Circadian Rhythm Phase Shift
- KenyaFinches - Body Mass and Beak Length in Three Species of Finches in Kenya
- LanguageBrains - Brain Structure in Bilingual Humans
- LarvalFish - Exploited Larval Fish
- Lefthanded - Left-handedness and Rates of Violence
- LionCubs - Time to Reproduction in Female Lions
- LionNoses - Lion Age and Nose Coloration
- LiverPreparation - Liver Preparation
- LizardBite - Bite Force in Collard Lizards
- LizardSprint - Sprint Speeds in Canyon Lizards
- Lobsters - Lobster Orientation
- LodgepolePines - Lodgepole Pine Cone Masses
- LupusMice - Autoimmune Reactivity in Lupus-prone Mice
- Lynx - Population Cycles of Lynx in Canada 1752-1819
- MarineReserve - Marine Reserve Biomass
- MassExtinctions - Mass Extinction Frequency
- MoleRats - Energy Expenditure in Mole Rats
- Mosquitoes - Body Size in Anopheles Mosquitoes
- MouseEmpathy - Mouse Empathy
- NeanderthalBrains - Cranial Capacity in Neanderthals and Modern Humans
- NematodeLifespan - Effects of Trimethadione on Lifespan in Nematodes
- NeotropicalTrees - Photosynthesis in Neotropical Trees
- Newts - Tetrodotoxin Resistance in Garter Snakes
- NoSmokingDay - No Smoking Day
- NorthSeaCod - Atlantic Cod Recruits
- OstrichTemp - Ostrich Body and Brain Temperatures
- Penguins - Penguin Heart Rate
- PlantPersistence - Population Persistence Times
- Pollen - Sterility in Hybrid Pollens
- Powerball - Powerball Tickets Sold
- PrimateMetabolism - Primate Metabolic Rates
- PrimateWBC - Primate White Blood Cell Counts and Promiscuity
- ProgesteroneExercise - Progesterone and Exercise
- Pseudoscorpions - Multiple Mating in Pseudoscorpions
- Pufferfish - Pufferfish Mimicry
- Rattlesnakes - Temperature Change and Meal Size in Rattlesnakes
- Rigormortis - Rigormortis and Time of Death
- RopeTrick - Indian Rope Trick
- SagebrushCrickets - Sagebrush Cricket Mating Times
- SalmonColor - Pacific Salmon Color
- Seedlings - Number of Seedlings Per Quadrat
- Selection - Data for Meta-analysis
- SexualSelection - Sexual Conflict
- ShadParasites - Shad Parasites
- ShrinkingSeals - Seal Body Lengths and Age
- ShuttleDisaster - Ambient Temperature and O-Ring Failures
- Silversword - Rate of Speciation in Silverswords
- SleepAndPerformance - Sleep and Learning
- SockeyeFemales - Body Masses of Female Sockeye Salmon
- Sparrows - Lifetime Reproductive Success in House Sparrows
- SpiderColonies - Social Spiders
- SpiderSpeed - Spider Running Speeds after Amputation
- Stalkies1 - Eye Widths in Stalk-Eyed Flies
- Stalkies2 - Stalk-eyed Fly Eyespan
- SticklebackPlates - Number of Lateral Plates in Sticklebacks
- SticklebackPreference - Mating Preferences in Sticklebacks
- Sumo - Sumo Wrestling Wins
- SyrupSwimming - Syrup Swimming
- TeenDeaths - Causes of Teenage Deaths
- Telomeres - Telomere Shortening
- TimeOfDeath - Hypoxanthine and Time Since Death
- Toads - Right-handed Toads
- Tobacco - Flower Length in Tobacco Plants
- Tobacco2 - Flower Length in Tobacco Plants
- ToothAge - Radioactive Teeth
- TreeSeedlings - Tree Seedlings and Sunflecks
- Trematodes - Frequencies of Fish Eaten by Trematode Infection Level
- Trillium - Trillium Recruitment near Clearcuts
- Truffles - Truffle Distribution
- TsetseLearning - Dietary Learning in Tsetse Flies
- TwoKids - Number of Boys in Two-Child Families
- VampireBites - Vampire Bat Bites
- VasopressinVoles - Vasopressin Manipulation in the Meadow Vole
- Vines - Climbing Vines
- VoleDispersal - Home Range Size in Field Voles
- WalkingStickFemurs - Walking Stick Femur Length
- WalkingStickHeads - Walking Stick Head Width
- WeddellSeals - Energetic Cost of Diving
- WillsDebates - Presidential "Wills"
- WillsPresidents - Presidential "Wills"
- WolfTeeth - Wolf Tooth Measurements
- Wolves - Inbreeding in Wolves
- WorldCup - World Cup Goals
- WrasseSexes - Distribution of Wrasses
- YeastGenes - Yeast Regulatory Genes
- ZebraFinchBeaks - Mate Preference in Zebra Finches
- ZebraFinches - Zebra Finch Carotenoids
- ZooMortality - Home Range Size and Mortality
- Zooplankton - Zooplankton Depredation
- dataInfo - 'abd' Data Sets
Last updated 11 months agofrom:459380c7c9. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Feb 10 2025 |
R-4.5-win | OK | Feb 10 2025 |
R-4.5-mac | OK | Feb 10 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Feb 10 2025 |
R-4.4-win | OK | Feb 10 2025 |
R-4.4-mac | OK | Feb 10 2025 |
R-4.3-win | OK | Feb 10 2025 |
R-4.3-mac | OK | Feb 10 2025 |